Peripheral Neuropathy: Daily Tips and Affirmations

Peripheral Neuropathy is a painful condition where the nerves that carry information to and from the spinal cord are damaged. It affects over 20 million individuals in the US and close to a 100 million worldwide. Some common symptoms are burning like your feet are literally on fire, pins and needles, shooting pain and numbness.This ebook is to accompany Peripheral Nine Simple Steps To Reduce the Pain that documents the steps I used to reduce my pain from neuropathy, or for other health related areas of life as well.  This is great for caregivers and individuals with peripheral neuropathy as it provides day to day general information regarding this condition and factors contributing to living with a chronic illness. The ebook also provide affirmations that can be used to encourage you throughout the day. Do them and practice them so they can become committed to memory.  These tips can help you deal life with your peripheral neuropathy and other areas as well. I have used some of the tips and affirmations over and over in order to continue to provide the drive I need to live my life daily and accomplish the goals I have set in my life. I remember receiving tips from my Social Worker that was assigned to me after I was released from the hospital. She provided invaluable tips to me that I am still grateful for, even this very day. I hope that you are encouraged by the affirmations and the tips. They have helped me immensely and can do the same for you.

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